Huwebes, Setyembre 20, 2012

Drums Of War

Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor. stratosphere stratum straw strawberry stray streak streaky stream streamer streamline streamlined street streetcar streetlight strength strengthen strenuous strenuously strep throat stress stressed stressed out stressful stretch stretcher strew strewn stricken strict strictly stridden stride strident strife strike striker striking strikingly string string bean stringent strings strip stripe striped stripper striptease strive striven strode stroke stroll stroller strong stronghold strongly strove struck structural structure struggle strum strung strung out strut stub stubble stubborn stubbornly stubbornness stuck stuck-up stud studded student student body studied studies studio studio apartment studious study study hall stuff stuffed animal stuffing stuffy stumble stumbling block stump stun stung stunk stunned stunning stunt stunt man stunt woman stupefied stupefy stupendous stupid stupidity stupidly stupor sturdiness sturdy stutter style stylish stymie Styrofoam propagate propensity proprietor prosper province provoke prudence psychology publish purport quote radius react rebel rectangle recur refute reign reinforce reject relevance reluctance rely render

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